News Archive

Invited remote seminar on growing hypergraphs in the BRAINS series ("Bridging AI, Networks, and Hypergraphs") at the Learning Planet Institute. (Slides)
In F'24 I am teaching CSCI 0200: Math Foundations of Computing and CSCI 0702: Senior Thesis.
The Division of Mathematical Sciences of the National Science Foundation (NSF) will support my stream of research in network growth, latent-variable models, dynamics, and social hierarchies through award DMS-2407058. This grant supports my research, including work with undergraduate students, for the years 2024-2027.
I give an invited talk on network science education at the Conference on Network Science in Quebec City, Canada. I also speak in a contributed session on models of edge-correlated growing hypergraphs (slides).
New article! Emergence of Polarization in a Sigmoidal Bounded-Confidence Model of Opinion Dynamics (joint with Heather Zinn Brooks and Mason A. Porter) is published in the SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems.
I give an invited (remote) talk on nonbacktracking spectral clustering as part of the workshop on "Modeling and Mining Complex Networks as Hypergraphs" hosted by Toronto Metropolitan University. (Slides)
I give an invited talk on modeling gender disparities in academic mathematics for the DISC Forum at Tufts University.
I give an invited (remote) seminar talk on models of gender disparity in professional mathematics at Toronto Metropolitan University.
New paper! Community detection in hypergraphs via mutual information maximization is now published in Scientific Reports. This is joint work with Jürgen Kritschgau, Daniel Kaiser, Oliver Alvarado Rodriguez, Ilya Amburg, Jessalyn Bolkema, Thomas Grubb, Fangfei Lan, Sepideh Maleki, and Bill Kay. This work was born at the 2022 AMS Mathematics Research Community on "Models and Methods for Sparse (Hyper)Network Science."
In Spring '24, I teach CSCI 0451: Machine Learning and CSCI 0702: Senior Thesis.
In Winter '24, I teach CSCI 0702: Senior Thesis. This is a course for senior CS majors to undertake long-term independent research projects in collaboration with a faculty member.
I attend the Joint Mathematics Meetings in San Francisco.
I am a member of Cohort 4 of the Cultural Competence in Computing Fellowship Program.
I speak on "Critical Perspectives on Large Language Models" as part of Middlebury's Faculty at Home series. (Recording and slides)
I am an invited speaker at TEDx Middlebury. I'll be speaking on data science and social justice (text of speech).
New article! "Data Science and Social Justice in the Mathematics Community" is published in the Notices of the American Mathematical Society.
I give an invited keynote address at the Vermont-KIAS Workshop on Group Interactions in Network Science. (Slides)
I am teaching CSCI 0200: Mathematical Foundations of Computing in Fall 2023.
I speak on "Critical Perspectives on Large Language Models" as part of the Summer Digital Teaching and Learning series hosted by Middlebury's Office of Digital Learning and Inquiry. (Slides)
I participate in the second workshop on Contagion on Complex Social Systems at the University of Vermont.
I join the Steering Committee of, Middlebury's initiative around data science and data literacy.
I am a participant in the Data Science for Social Justice: Networks, Policy, and Education program at the Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics (ICERM).
I am a participant and assistant to the organizers in the AMS Mathematics Research Community on Complex Social Systems.
I give an invited seminar on hypergraph spectral clustering at the University of Edinburgh. (Slides, recording)
I give an invited seminar on hypergraph spectral clustering at the University of Glasgow. (Slides)
I give an invited seminar on nonbacktracking hypergraph clustering in the Joint Lab of the Vermont Complex Systems Center at the University of Vermont. (Slides)
Nonbacktracking Spectral Clustering of Nonuniform Hypergraphs is published in the SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science.
Dr. Timnit Gebru does a Q&A with my machine learning course and gives a talk to the Middlebury community on Eugenics and the Promise of Utopia through Artificial Intelligence
I give an invited seminar at Smith College on math models of social hierarchies. I also speak to the math department's professional development seminar about grad school and academic careers. (Slides)
I am a mentor in the Women in Network Science Society mentorship program.
New preprint! I led a team of mathematicians in writing an overview article on "Data science and social justice in the mathematics community." The team is Quindel Jones, Andrés R. Vindas Meléndez, Ariana Mendible, Manuchehr Aminian, Heather Zinn Brooks, Nathan Alexander, Carrie Diaz Eaton, and myself. We are all thrilled to see this work out in the world!
This semester, I am teaching CSCI 0451: Machine Learning. This is the very first course in the Middlebury Department of Computer Science to meet our new Responsible Computing requirement.
Physicist Katherine Wright, the Deputy Editor of Physics Magazine, publishes an article on The Uneven Spread of Citations in academic science. I am quoted in this article regarding my experience writing Citation Diversity Statements (CDSs) in two papers.
I give an invited talk on generative hypergraph clustering in the Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar at Dartmouth University. Slides.
I attend the Joint Mathematics Meetings in Boston, MA. There I speak on "Developments, Challenges, and Opportunities in Hypergraph Network Data Science" (slides). I've prepared a short bibliography of papers that I find especially useful in hypergraph data science.
"Nonbacktracking spectral clustering of nonuniform hypergraphs" with Nicole Eikmeier (Grinnell College) and Jamie Haddock (Harvey Mudd College) is accepted for publication at the SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science.
I give an invited online seminar on hypergraph community detection at the University of Oxford. Slides.
I attend the SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Data Science in San Diego, CA. There, Heather Zinn Brooks (Harvey Mudd) and I co-lead a Guided Affinity Group on network science as part of the Sustainable Horizon Institute's Broader Engagement Program. I also speak on nonbacktracking spectral hypergraph clustering (slides) and organize a session with Jamie Haddock (Harvey Mudd) on "Tensor Methods for Network Data Science."
New preprint! "Emergence of polarization in a sigmoidal bounded-confidence model of opinion dynamics" is joint work with Heather Zinn Brooks (Harvey Mudd) and Mason Porter (UCLA). In this manuscript, we study the mathematical structure of a differentiable model of opinion dynamics on graphs with zealots. Read the preprint here!
I am a guest editor in a focus issue of the Journal of Physics: Complexity on "Learning and Reasoning in Generalized Graphs." The deadline for submissions is September 30th, 2022!
I speak on nonbacktracking spectral hypergraph clustering at the virtual SIAM Workshop on Network Science, September 13th-15th.
I receive a SIAM Early-Career Travel Award towards my participation at the SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Data Science in San Diego.
I move to Middlebury, Vermont. Hi everyone!
I serve on an invited panel about academic job interviews at the PRiME REU and learning community.
I join Middlebury College as an assistant professor of computer science! I'm excited to continue my scholarship and teaching in this wonderful community.
I am an invited Fellow at the Social Justice and Data Science Summer Research Program at ICERM. I also serve as a project group leader in a weeklong workshop on Interdisciplinary Network Analysis Methods for Analyzing Social Systems.
I am a participant and assistant to the organizers at the AMS Mathematics Research Community on "Models and Methods for Sparse (Hyper)Network Science."
I am a 2022 Liggett Distinguished Faculty Instructor! This award recognizes excellence in undergraduate teaching in the UCLA Department of Mathematics.
I am a co-organizer of the Southern California Applied Mathematics Symposium (SOCAMS) at Harvey Mudd College.
I speak on a panel on "Data Science and the Social Sciences" hosted by the UCLA Data Science Union.
Bradley Burdick (Hanover College) and I organize a freestanding online workshop on "Projects Across the Mathematics Curriculum" as part of MAA Project NExT.
New preprint! I am thrilled to share "Nonbacktracking spectral clustering of nonuniform hypergraphs." This is joint work with Nicole Eikmeier (Grinnell College) and Jamie Haddock (Harvey Mudd College).
Invited talk on “Smoothly Nonlinear Opinion Dynamics” at the AMS Eastern Sectional Meeting in a Special Session on Structured Populations. Excited to share this joint work with Heather Zinn Brooks and Mason Porter!
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