January 19th, 2017
(Image credit: Hadley Wickham)
The tidyverse is a set of packages by Hadley that helps manage each stage of this pipeline.
You are going to need them soon.
We'd like to fit a LOESS smoother to the data to capture long-term trend. We can fit a single one like this:
model_data <- prices %>% # extract a single listing's filter(listing_id == 5506) # worth of data # fit a loess model, the span is a hyperparameter, a bit # like lambda in LASSO single_model <- loess(price_per ~ as.numeric(date), data = model_data, span = .5)
single_model %>% summary()
## Call: ## loess(formula = price_per ~ as.numeric(date), data = model_data, ## span = 0.5) ## ## Number of Observations: 344 ## Equivalent Number of Parameters: 6.32 ## Residual Standard Error: 8.15 ## Trace of smoother matrix: 6.95 (exact) ## ## Control settings: ## span : 0.5 ## degree : 2 ## family : gaussian ## surface : interpolate cell = 0.2 ## normalize: TRUE ## parametric: FALSE ## drop.square: FALSE
model_preds <- broom::augment(single_model, model_data) model_preds %>% head()
## listing_id date price_per .fitted .se.fit .resid ## 1 5506 2017-09-05 72.5 73.73994 2.042531 -1.2399385 ## 2 5506 2017-09-04 72.5 73.66160 1.984215 -1.1615956 ## 3 5506 2017-09-03 72.5 73.58551 1.927151 -1.0855140 ## 4 5506 2017-09-02 72.5 73.51158 1.871376 -1.0115812 ## 5 5506 2017-09-01 72.5 73.43968 1.816931 -0.9396847 ## 6 5506 2017-08-31 72.5 73.36971 1.763855 -0.8697121
model_preds %>% ggplot(aes(x = date)) + geom_line(aes(y = price_per)) + geom_line(aes(y = .fitted), color = 'red')
model_container <- ???? for(id in unique(prices$listing_id)){ model <- prices %>% filter(listing_id == id) %>% loess(price_per ~ as.numeric(date), data = ., span = .25) model_container %>% update(model) # ????? . . . }
my_list <- list('Computing', 'in', 'Optimization', 'and' ,'Statistics') length_list <- list() i <- 1 for(word in my_list){ length_list[i] <- nchar(word) i <- i + 1 } length_list %>% unlist() # just for display
## [1] 9 2 12 3 10
my_list <- list('Computing', 'in', 'Optimization', 'and' ,'Statistics') length_list <- map(my_list, nchar) # or my_list %>% map(nchar) length_list %>% unlist() # just for display
## [1] 9 2 12 3 10
applies a function (nchar
) to each entry of the original list.
The directory exercise_data
contains price data for each month. Use map
to read it in efficiently, and reduce(rbind)
to combine it all together. Use list.files('exercise_data', full.names = T)
to get a list of all the files.
list.files('exercise_data', full.names = T) %>% map(read_csv) %>% reduce(rbind) %>% head() # just for display
## # A tibble: 6 × 3 ## listing_id date price_per ## <int> <date> <dbl> ## 1 3075044 2017-04-30 32.5 ## 2 3075044 2017-04-29 37.5 ## 3 3075044 2017-04-28 37.5 ## 4 3075044 2017-04-27 32.5 ## 5 3075044 2017-04-26 32.5 ## 6 3075044 2017-04-25 32.5
Use lists of data frames (and data frames of lists) to organize your work.
Data frames are the fundamental unit of data science.
Usually their columns are atomic vectors of integers, doubles, dates, characters, or booleans. E.g.
## # A tibble: 6 × 3 ## listing_id date price_per ## <int> <date> <dbl> ## 1 3075044 2017-08-22 32.5 ## 2 3075044 2017-08-21 32.5 ## 3 3075044 2017-08-20 32.5 ## 4 3075044 2017-08-19 37.5 ## 5 3075044 2017-08-18 37.5 ## 6 3075044 2017-08-17 32.5
But this is somewhat inflexible. What about more complex objects? Lists can hold anything…
prices_nested <- prices %>% tidyr::nest(-listing_id) # view the data types of the columns map(prices_nested, class) %>% unlist()
## listing_id data ## "integer" "list"
prices_nested %>% head()
## # A tibble: 6 × 2 ## listing_id data ## <int> <list> ## 1 3075044 <tibble [359 × 2]> ## 2 6976 <tibble [319 × 2]> ## 3 7651065 <tibble [334 × 2]> ## 4 5706985 <tibble [344 × 2]> ## 5 2843445 <tibble [365 × 2]> ## 6 753446 <tibble [347 × 2]>
prices_nested$data[[1]] # get the first item of the list
## # A tibble: 359 × 2 ## date price_per ## <date> <dbl> ## 1 2017-08-22 32.5 ## 2 2017-08-21 32.5 ## 3 2017-08-20 32.5 ## 4 2017-08-19 37.5 ## 5 2017-08-18 37.5 ## 6 2017-08-17 32.5 ## 7 2017-08-16 32.5 ## 8 2017-08-15 32.5 ## 9 2017-08-14 32.5 ## 10 2017-08-13 32.5 ## # ... with 349 more rows
Use map
to extract a list of lengths of each data frame in prices_nested$data
lengths <- map(prices_nested$data, nrow) lengths %>% unlist() %>% head() # for display only
## [1] 359 319 334 344 365 347
Write a function that extracts the largest price (per person) from a data frame.
get_biggest_price <- function(data){ data$price_per %>% max(na.rm = T) }
Now map
to extract the largest price in each data frame in prices_nested$data
biggest_prices <- map(prices_nested$data, get_biggest_price) biggest_prices %>% head() %>% unlist()
## [1] 37.50000 32.50000 39.50000 66.66667 37.50000 34.50000
Now do the same thing, but assign the result to a new list column of prices_nested
. Don't forget what you learned in Session 2!
prices_nested %>% mutate(highest_price = map(data, get_biggest_price))
## # A tibble: 5 × 3 ## listing_id data highest_price ## <int> <list> <list> ## 1 3075044 <tibble [359 × 2]> <dbl [1]> ## 2 6976 <tibble [319 × 2]> <dbl [1]> ## 3 7651065 <tibble [334 × 2]> <dbl [1]> ## 4 5706985 <tibble [344 × 2]> <dbl [1]> ## 5 2843445 <tibble [365 × 2]> <dbl [1]>
Now do the same thing, but assign the result to a new list column of prices_nested
. Don't forget what you learned in Session 2!
prices_nested %>% mutate(highest_price = map_dbl(data, get_biggest_price))
## # A tibble: 5 × 3 ## listing_id data highest_price ## <int> <list> <dbl> ## 1 3075044 <tibble [359 × 2]> 37.50000 ## 2 6976 <tibble [319 × 2]> 32.50000 ## 3 7651065 <tibble [334 × 2]> 39.50000 ## 4 5706985 <tibble [344 × 2]> 66.66667 ## 5 2843445 <tibble [365 × 2]> 37.50000
We know how to:
to apply a function to every element of a list.Looks like it's time for…
my_loess <- function(data, span){ loess(price_per ~ as.numeric(date), data = data, span = span) } prices_nested <- prices %>% nest(-listing_id) prices_modeled <- prices_nested %>% mutate(model = map(data, my_loess, span = .25)) prices_with_preds <- prices_modeled %>% mutate(preds = map2(model, data, augment)) prices_unnested <- prices_with_preds %>% unnest(preds)
my_loess <- function(data, span){ loess(price_per ~ as.numeric(date), data = data, span = span) } prices_unnested <- prices %>% nest(-listing_id) %>% mutate(model = map(data, my_loess, span = .25), preds = map2(model, data, augment)) %>% unnest(preds)
A little syntactic sugar (reference)
prices_unnested <- prices %>% nest(-listing_id) %>% mutate(model = map(data, ~loess(price_per ~ as.numeric(date), data = ., span = .25)), preds = map2(model, data, augment)) %>% unnest(preds)
prices_unnested <- prices %>% nest(-listing_id) %>% mutate(model = map(data, ~loess(price_per ~ as.numeric(date), data = ., span = .25)), preds = map2(model, data, augment)) %>% unnest(preds)
Four nontrivial lines:
…and now we're ready to explore the results.
language – check out Advanced R.